B.R.Sharma, IAS (Retd) was re-elected as Chairman of the IIPA, JK Regional Branch for the period 2024-2026 during the 45thAnnual General Meeting of the Branch which was held on February 4, 2024. Dr. Ashok Bhan, IPS (Retd), Former DGP,J&K Police shall be mentoring the branch as Patron. B R Sharma elected as Chairman, IIPA J&K Regional Branch
During the AGM, the new office bearers for the period 2024 – 2026 were also elected and the Executive Committee was also nominated. The office bearers elected for the period 2024 – 2026 are Er. J.B.S.Johar- Vice Chairman (Jammu), Dr G.N.Qasba- Vice Chairman (Kashmir); K.B.Jandial, IAS(Retd) – Vice Chairman (Central); Prof Alka Sharma- Hony Secretary; Vikrant Kuthiala- Hony Treasurer; Dr Anil Gupta- Joint Secretary (Jammu); G.M.Andrabi- Joint Secretary (Kashmir); Er M M Gupta, Director Seminars; Manoj Kumar Pandith Joint Director Seminar (Jammu) Prof Nasir Iqbal- Joint Director Seminars (Kashmir).
The 15 member Executive Committee nominated include Kuldeep Khoda IPS (Retd), A.M.Watali IPS (Retd); Dr.C.M.Seth IFS (Retd), Prof. Rekha Choudhary, Col (Retd) Karan Singh, Prof.Mehraj-ud-din, Prem Gupta IPS (Retd), Narinder Khajuria, JKAS, Dr.Komal Nagar, Ansuya Jamwal, JKAS, Suresh Kumar Gupta, IFS, Bashir Ahmad Shah, Dr Bharat Bhushan, JKAS, Mohammad Yaseen Kichloo, IPS, Mubashir Amin Khan, JKAS.
B R Sharma in his address complimented the outgoing team said that effort s shall be undertaken to strengthen the branch by undertaking programs across the region. He reiterated that the existence of IIPA is because of the mandate so we should undertake such activities which will benefit the society and government together.

Dr. Ashok Bhan in his address while congratulating the branch for achieving the distinction of being adjudged the 1stbest branch in the country said that the branch is in the phase of consolidation, where the experience and energy are in synergy. He stressed that the Vision of IIPA should be the guiding spirit for the branch and excel in Training programs and research initiatives and build its credibility among various agencies, as we celebrate our golden jubilee in next 5 years.
Prof Alka Sharma, Hony Secretary presented the annual report and Sh. Vikrant Kuthiala, Hony Treasurer presented the statement of accounts for the last financial year. Prof Alka Sharma formally welcomed the august gathering and Dr Anil Gupta, Joint Secretary conducted the proceedings of the function and presented the formal vote of thanks. Sh Prem Gupta, IPS (Retd) was the returning officer during the conduct of the elections.
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