Denounces Unacceptable Treatment: Decries Disrespect to Dedicated Service of Those Protecting the Nation
Srinagar, Dec 20: A senior police officer from the Jammu and Kashmir Police, SSP CID Imtiyaz Hussain, took to social media X (formerly known as Twitter) to express his dismay after being denied a loan by HDFC bank, citing a policy that allegedly excludes policemen from loan eligibility. The revelation sparked widespread outrage among various professional circles, including journalists and lawyers, who echoed Hussain’s sentiments. Loan Denial Shocks Senior J&K Cop: Exclusion Highlights Discriminatory Lending Practices
Hussain, in a tweet, expressed his shock and disappointment, highlighting the discriminatory policy of HDFC bank that denied loans to those tirelessly serving the nation. His post garnered support from numerous netizens who revealed similar experiences, expressing astonishment at the treatment received despite their roles in safeguarding society and maintaining clean financial records.
“Applied for personal loan in @HDFC_Bank. Was shocked to know that they don’t provide loans to policemen as a policy. It is so hurtful and insulting to know. The men in Khaki who toil day and night in service of our great nation being treated like this should be unacceptable to every citizen,” he posted.
The issue gained further traction when other members of the police force, journalists, and lawyers shared their encounters of being turned down for loans by HDFC bank, citing the institution’s alleged policy against their professions. An anonymous senior police official confirmed that not a single instance existed where a J&K Police officer defaulted on an HDFC bank loan, emphasizing that the bank had previously made exceptions for cops.

Hussain, disappointed by the bank’s actions, highlighted his contrasting experience of securing a quick loan from J&K Bank within minutes, further underlining the disparity in treatment based on profession and calling it a violation of the fundamental right to equality.
“In just 5 minutes, I secured a quick loan from @JandKBank. As an @HDFC_Bank account holder, I anticipated a swift process within the claimed 10 seconds, emphasising that it’s not about entitlement but the right of every citizen under the constitution of our nation,” he said in an another post on X.
Dismayed by the profiling and discrimination, Hussain emphasized that the perception of policemen as defaulters was baseless, urging against the categorization of an entire profession based on the actions of a few. His concerns were echoed by DIG South Kashmir, Mohammad Rayees Bhat, who expressed shock over such biases prevailing even in the modern credit assessment era.
In response to Imtiyaz Hussain’s post, HDFC bank care clarified that no such discriminatory policy existed and expressed regret over Hussain’s experience, assuring to address the issue promptly.
“Many policemen across the country are our esteemed customers, having availed loans from us. We are sorry about your experience and will be in touch with you regarding the issue faced,” HDFC said.
Speaking to the press, Imtiyaz Hussain strongly opposed the act of profiling and discrimination based on profession, asserting that such behavior directly contradicts the core principles of equality enshrined in our constitution. He adamantly rejected HDFC bank’s assertion that policemen are unreliable in repaying loans, noting that in his extensive experience, there hasn’t been a single instance of default by JKP cops on HDFC loans.
He clarified that his intention in highlighting this issue wasn’t rooted in personal grievances but aimed to shed light on a practice that starkly opposes the democratic and constitutional ethos of our nation. Hussain highlighted India’s vast diversity and cautioned against making sweeping assumptions about all policemen being identical. He urged against stereotyping an entire profession based on the actions of a few, recognizing that every field comprises both exemplary and flawed individuals.
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