By Chasfeeda Shah
Drug addiction is a growing concern in Kashmir, with the youth being particularly vulnerable to its grasp. Families, police, and social activists are working tirelessly to find ways to combat this problem, but the desperation of the families of drug addicts is palpable.
Drug addiction begins as a pleasure, but the free availability of drugs and the influence of peers can quickly lead to addiction.
Adolescents may also turn to drugs as a form of escape from parental pressure or traumatic experiences such as childhood sexual abuse.
Drug addiction affects not only the individual but also society as a whole. It leads to increased crime rates, decreased productivity, and the overall deterioration of the quality of life. It is important to remember that drug addiction is not a moral failure but a disease that requires professional help and support.
Experts in the field argue that the key to treating drug abuse is a combination of medical treatment and unconditional love. However, the government alone cannot reach all drug addicts, which is why it is crucial for civil society to step in and create local health centres where general and mental health counseling can be provided.
To combat the stigma attached to drug addiction, these centers should be named “health centers” rather than “drug de-de-addiction counseling centers.” Additionally, care must be taken not to lock drug addicts in a room and force them to quit, as this can lead to severe physical and emotional consequences.
Religious leaders, teachers, and social workers have an important role to play in identifying and preventing drug abuse, and they must take action to address this issue in their communities.
By working together, we can help more and more drug abusers overcome their addictions and reclaim their lives.

It is also important to address the underlying issues that lead to drug addiction. This can be achieved by providing young people education and job opportunities, increasing access to mental health services, and addressing the socio-economic inequalities that make certain communities more vulnerable to drug addiction.
In conclusion, drug addiction is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. All of us, as members of society, must come together and take action to address this problem. From providing support to drug addicts and their families to addressing the underlying issues that lead to drug addiction, we must all play our part in creating a safer and healthier community for all.
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