If you want to stay fit then you need to take care of your diet. Following are the evidence-based tips for a healthy life. Hope you will act upon these and make it as your 2022 resolutions. Nip the evil in the bud.
- Stop sugar, even if you are a non-diabetic .It takes 2-3 months for your taste buds to adapt .You won’t miss it later and health benefits will be enormous .Refined sugar hikes blood sugars immediately and leads to insulin surge .Later metabolic changes causing obesity and its consequences . Take less salt and less rice .These are three white poisons when taken in excess.
- Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Take fish at least once a week but avoid fried fish . By adding oil number of calories increase, otherwise fish is very good for health .Avoid processed food. Consume less oil and better to use Olive oil .
- Stop Bread: Try for 30 days to begin with and see how you feel. Studies have shown that BREAD, whether white or brown, leads to insulin surge and later insulin resistance. By stopping bread you would lower your glucose levels and lower fasting insulin levels. Bread affects intestinal membrane even if you do not have celiac disease and this leads to lot of hormonal changes in the body. By stopping bread you will observe reduction in gas production in your bowel and get rid off belching and abdominal discomfort.

- Reduce number of meals you take .Every time you eat, body releases insulin and fat started getting stored due to Insulin. When we sleep we do not take any food for 6 to 8 hrs, nothing happens. Make a habit of intermittent fasting. It is an economical way of better health. Take enough of water. 1-2 litres a day or more if you live in a hot climate. Take dinner early and avoid too much eating.
- Go on Moving. Exercise is a free medicine without side effects
- Get enough of sleep
- Reduce stress, it is linked to most of the troubles known to the mankind Some tips.
- Please take all COVID precautions .Wear a mask and avoid gathering .Vaccinate yourself. This time will go soon. It appears that this pandemic has reached peak. Omicron will also go and time will come when it will remain like other flue. Take all precautions; life is very beautiful and precious.
To conclude, it is better to have a healthy lifestyle than to live with problems which can be taken care of. We suggest the above resolution for 2022 and hope you will observe. It is evidence-based . Wishing you a happy and healthy life ahead.
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