For the past four years, Dil Maam has extended a healing hand to cancer victims and families grappling with the loss of their primary breadwinner due to this devastating illness. His selfless actions have not gone unnoticed; he is celebrated and remembered as a local hero who continues to serve his community with unwavering dedication. […]
Shah-E-Khidmat Trust Hosts Refreshment Camp at Alamgari Bazar
Distributes Fruits, Juices, and Medicine for Mourners BY KS NEWS DESK Srinagar, July 17: The bustling streets of Alamgari Bazar witnessed an extraordinary act of community service and compassion as Shah-E-Khidmat Trust organized a refreshment camp for mourners, distributing fruits, juices, and essential medicines. This noble initiative, held in collaboration with Noor and Sons Pharmaceutical, […]